Irene W. Pennington Planetarium
The Irene W. Pennington Planetarium has remained the largest and most technologically advanced planetarium in Louisiana since it opened on May 22, 2003. It’s the first planetarium ever named after a woman: Irene W. Pennington, and is a testament to the Pennington family’s enduring commitment to education, marking a significant milestone in Louisiana’s scientific and educational landscape.
Located at the Louisiana Art & Science Museum, the planetarium remains one of the most sophisticated multimedia presentation venues in the southeastern U.S., presenting large-format digital movies, laser light shows, and astronomy-based sky shows. To date, over 1,000,000 visitors have explored the cosmos under the Irene W. Pennington Planetarium’s dome.
The Planetarium achieved immediate renown following its grand opening, drawing attention from respected national astronomy magazines such as Astronomy and Sky & Telescope and recognition from NASA with a Certificate of Appreciation. The Planetarium presents a changing schedule of immersive and awe-inspiring shows on not only astronomy but also engineering, music and American history. {Learn More}